Ready, Steady, Go! – Our “500-mile Challenge”

Ready, Steady, Go! – Our “500-mile Challenge”

Every company is currently looking at fun ways to keep staff morale, mental health and wellness high and DA are no exception! W’ve kicked off 2021 with a Walking Challenge!

Two teams battled through wind, rain, snow and ice to clock up 10,000+ steps every day with many doing dozens of circuits around their gardens, going for walks before starting work, hitting treadmills – we now have some of the best exercised dogs in Scotland!!

The challenge ran for 3 weeks and each week at Team Catch-ups our ‘scores on the doors’ were announced between Team 1 and Team 2. These proved to be a great motivational factor in feeling good about ‘doing your bit for the team’ or spurred you on to do better if lagging behind.

One of the amazing plus points many experienced was the ‘feel good factor’ felt with the ‘happy hormon’ endorphins the exercise released, boosting mental health and general feelings of wellbeing. And it’s so easy to make this happen – why didn’t we think of this before – during the summer – when we could have walked in shorts and T-shirts with factor 50 on!!

On the final day both teams waited with baited breath to hear the results… we smashed it – with Team 1 walking an amazing 633 miles to team 2’s 510 miles. A grand total of 1143 miles – PHEW!!

Huge relief and (virtual) pats on the back all round, not to mention an odd Epsom salt bath, foot massage and a few hot toddies here and there – we are only human after all!

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