Independent Business Review

Why do we need an independent business review (IBR)?

The purpose of an IBR (independent business review) is to establish the viability of your business. It provides a clear and balanced view on the stage the business has reached and gives an expert opinion. It identifies key issues and can be a valuable tool for you and your stakeholders, particularly your bank or investors. You can instruct one, or your bank may do so, if:

  • you require additional borrowing or investment
  • you have breached the bank conditions for your current facilities
  • your overdraft facility is continually nearing its limit
  • you have substantially reduced trade
  • the market you operate in has fundamentally changed
  • you are embarking upon an innovative business growth plan

What can an independent business review achieve?

No matter who instigates an IBR, it provides an opportunity to step back from everyday business functionality and consider the bigger picture. An IBR will provide an informed, objective assessment of a business’s existing trading and financial position. It evaluates your business plans and financial forecasts against historic performance and current market conditions – providing an analysis of:

  • working capital
  • profitability
  • management skills
  • customer service
  • product offering
  • competitive edge
  • how future proof the business is
  • commitments and guarantees
  • assets and liabilities
  • current and future funding requirements
  • SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats)
  • sensitivity analysis (break even points and risk)

How we can help

Our team have considerable experience in the preparation of IBRs and have supported many businesses in establishing workable innovative plans to take their business forward. They are a valuable tool providing sound recommendations and information which you, your bank and relevant stakeholders can rely on.

We will help you assess your situation, explore your options, provide you with advice and develop a solution for you. To arrange a free, no obligation consultation click here or call 01592 630085.